共為你找到:22筆yahama p120 size 相關企業資訊
We are a reputable manufacturer with over 20 years experience in making variety of bags; luggage and massagers. Our factory located in Dong Guan, China with over 350 workers and occupying 40,000 square meters of land. All accessories and raw materials come from Tai wan and Taiwanese factory in China in order to meet up middle to high quality level. Our products covering all kind of bags; trolley cases and suitcases in different materials and size, such as: beauty cases; camera bags; cosmetic bags; sport bags and EVA travel cases etc.
一、企業名稱:DAB服飾 二、主要營業項目:女裝服飾與牛仔褲等 目前市場上充滿各式各樣之服飾店,但是都是寄賣商店為主,店家幾乎無法有自己調整商品空間,由於DAB服飾商品都是自選自銷,目前對於客戶需求與市場導向,例如褲子在夜市無法試穿或是下雨天無法營運之問題與客戶無法選購商品等,些許客人無逛夜市之習慣特地跑到夜市來買褲子與衣服希望有店面可以選購與試穿等,因此所開設的門市可以服務老客戶並且開創新客源,夜間夜市與白天門市雙管齊下互為廣告服務客戶,吸引相同品味之客戶上門消費,未來在大台南地區慢慢拓展版圖,抱持一歩一腳印之精神來經營之理念。 三、主要產品 1‧牛仔褲長褲、短褲、七分褲與流行時裝褲。 2‧韓國中國進口之上衣大量販售(含台灣自行開版之上衣),可以滿足特殊消費與一般大眾都可以接受之商品。 3‧背心、外套、內搭褲等等。 4‧協力廠商提供長期販售之寄賣商品眾多無法一一列舉,有鞋子皮帶飾品等只要跟服裝可以搭配之商品都可以接受寄賣,賣出再給廠商貨款,寄賣廠商會派員來盤點與收款因此無屯貨壓力。 四、特點 1‧DAB牛仔褲擁有北部大牌SOMEONE JEANS與南部大牌JEANS COOL等兩大廠商全力支援商品,等擁有門市後會再加入寄賣廠商97 JEANS與TANK JEANS之商品,相信可以把便宜價位與中高價位之客群全部佔有率極高因為夜市空間時間有限制無法展開,賣高單價就沒位置放置低單價之商品,一般消費大眾都是買低價比較多。 2‧DAB牛仔褲也有賣上衣與當季流行商品,經營策略以低價衝量打廣告毛利率不高約三成上下之毛利率為主,上衣有韓組與台組大陸生產交替販售,上衣主打低價衝量來平衡門市之基本開銷。 3‧針對一些大尺碼與超瘦之客群提供小尺寸之褲子與加大型SIZE來滿足客群,配合之廠商全力提供不斷貨,缺碼可以馬上排單生產追加,提供穩定貨源。 4‧上衣之客群都是看喜歡就買容易流失客群,相對褲子看喜歡要買怕尺碼不合等等,DAB牛仔褲擁有長時間累積之客群,因為褲子都是穿習慣買固定SIZE,增加消費者的接受程度與品牌信任度。 5.DAB服飾除了零售商品外,也提供商品批發業務若有需要相關業務可以與DAB服飾聯繫。
ganache的主打是生巧克力蛋糕。。。用的是義大利進口巧克力,送進烤箱烘烤出爐後,再淋上ganache純巧克力醬,帶有巧克力的迷人香氣,質地紮實,而且甜而不膩,我覺得很適合搭配咖啡或奶茶,那種marriage一定很美妙。 除了生巧克力蛋糕外,他還有用雞蛋及澳洲進口乳酪調和成的起士蛋糕,及6月時剛推出的冰淇淋泡芙,有巧克力、香草口味,泡芙size極大,可以兩個人分著吃,它的派皮不論是起士蛋糕或泡芙的,都很緊實,不會說稍一碰到即鬆軟塌垮,泡芙的卡士達餡的比例也是經過多次測試,才找出適當的份量。 乳酪、地瓜及蔓越莓的起士燒則是在起士蛋糕之外做些變化,也因應現代人的需求減少糖份,但一方面也提高起士比例,他建議可以在早上搭配生菜沙拉或果汁、鮮奶,就是一道豐盛的早午餐了。
INNOCOMM, based in Taiwan, is currently a private-held system integrator solution provider that develops integrated solutions from the top down to realize business, technical and operational objectives. In today’s competitive marketplace, INNOCOMM provides the open standard technology, professional service, and next generation messaging solutions to meet 2.5G 3G service provider in leveraging its new service platform and VAS applications by utilizing innovative IT technology and integrated network design. The spirit of INNOCOMM is to assist service providers to maximize business value by partnering an array of key vendors to supply business and technological solutions that are migrating from the traditional telephony model to offer flexible programmable mobile data service offerings at competitive prices. Our competitive strengths are: A. Ability to offer a range of telecommunications products and services that enable mobile data services to be added to existing business infrastructure; B. Ownership of a range of innovative, revenue-driven application products, and VAS solutions; C. Proven track record and established customer base which continues to provide new business locally regionally; D. Size, which means it is fast and flexible in responding to meet customers’ needs; E. Considerable international experience with a solid understanding of regional and local needs
Since its establishment in 2000, UTECH. has gone through a dramatic transformation within these past few years on the ultimate mission to become the leader of digital entertainment provider. From an OEM oriented-company to a brand-focused corporation, UTECH founder has foreseen the infinite possibility brought about by the birth of the concept of multimedia and how it would revolutionize the interaction between consumers and computers. Since then, UTECH has grown continuously in many aspects such as size and brand recognition. The commitment to achieve and to provide the Best Technology, Best Quality, and Best Service, though has not been set in stone, has been imprinted deeply in the core of UTECH.
■專業進口/加工包膜素材及各式3C周邊產品 ●3C產品包膜、水鑽貼飾技術移轉 ●彩色保護膜印表機(A3 size/A4 size) ●手機包膜/筆電包膜專用保護膜 (透明膜/彩色膜/素色膜/珍珠膜/碳纖維膜/可列印彩色膜/紋路膜) ●手機包膜/筆電包膜專用金蒔繪浮雕貼 ●筆電專用光學液晶螢幕保護貼 ●筆電專用光學液晶螢幕防窺片 ●汽車電視螢幕保護貼(汽車觸控螢幕保護貼) ●筆電專用全透明軟式鍵盤保護膜(蓋)開模製作 ●筆電專用避震包/避震袋
憑藉著近三十年的 FERRITE生產基礎,本公司繼續跟隨銳變的電子零件趨勢及先進的諸位設計者與使用者;致力於: 磁芯的研究與開發 (Ferrite Research & Development). 軟,硬體的投資與改善 (System Modify & New Machine Input). 高效率的需求服務 (Quickly & High Quality Service). 合理化的成本與價位 (Cost & Price on Reasonably). CORE & CHIP 未來之發展目標仍然朝向產製: 高精密度 (Smallest Tolerance). 微小化 (Smallest Size,0402Type). 全功能性 (Full Characteristic,CPT High-pass,High-current). 主要客戶包括TOSHIBA,MORIMIYA,SANYO,JVC,HAKKI,PANASONIC,MOTOROLA,SONY,SUMIDA... .
◤創立日期:1995年6月1日 ◤主要產品:專業生產鋁質電解電容器 ◤工廠土地 / Factory Size: 台灣 / 3,638㎡約1100坪 大陸中山 / 16,000㎡約4,840坪
大葉汽車旅館設有反偵測系統及每日定時消毒防疫;杜絕偷拍及SARS防制,可維護您個人的隱私和安全。各類歐式套房浴室皆有大型雙人按摩浴缸、蒸汽室、浴室電視,為認真生活的您舒緩工作壓力。名設計師精心規劃,採用進口king size名床、大尺寸電視螢幕、ADSL寬頻,六星級設備與服務。住宿另贈精緻中、西式營養早餐,衛生安全、舒適清淨,高級享受、優惠價格,竭誠期待您的光臨!
Omega Music was founded in 1999, established by experienced staffs and technicians who had passion and dedication to produce and provide top quality musical products for the world, and today we are now a professional guitar manufacturer with Technical Managers with 15 years of guitar-making understandings and Sales Managers with 20 years of market experiences in the musical industry. Our complete knowledge of how to make an excellent guitar and full understanding of what the customers want are the keys to our success, and specially distinguish us from other manufacturers. Starting from only manufacture acoustic guitars, we have now developed into a 16,000 square meters in our factory size and invested into professional equipments to produce both acoustic and electric guitars expertly. In late 2006, we began our wooden case manufacturing, in which provided our customers with more options to upgrade their guitars, and increased the value of the guitars greatly. Currently, we manufacture all range of guitars starting from acoustic, classical guitars to electric guitar and bass to banjo, mandolin, ukulele, jazz, gypsy, resonator, round-back guitars, and all of them are available in left-handed models, and also wooden cases to support them. We are your ideal single source for all range of products and at the most competitive price on the market. Our customers are all around the world which includes some of the worlds most famous brands, and our quality and service is guaranteed by all our customers, and we also guarantee that you will be very satisfy with our trustworthy reliability, responsibility, efficient service, and excellent quality products.
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